Dynaudio Audience 52's for front channels .

I am looking for WAF front channel speakers for HT use. An audio store recommended these speakers stating that they could go
onto a shelf on the wall. I listened to them in a demo room and they sounded pretty good, although they were not on a shelf mounted on the wall!
Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this set-up ?
Thank you.

Showing 1 response by tgrisham

I have the Audience 70 floor standers and have listened extensively to the 52s. I love my Dyns. I just bought a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1s for another system in a small room. They passed the WAF die to their beautiful finish and they sit in a bookshelf. In spite of that they have a very open and spacious sound and are very detailed. They may fit your requirements too. Good luck!