Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.

Showing 5 responses by tomryan

What are rock & rollers rebelling about? Anyone can do anything they want, say anything they want. When rock & roll and hip-hop cultures are the status quo & mainstream, what in the Hell are they rebelling against? The minority who happens to have different opinions? Oh yeah, rebelling against the Bush admininstration.

Let's see Bruce S. come up with a solution to the worldwide Islamic revolution intended to establish the Califate throughout every continent. Just ask the lucky 400,000 who've been slaughtered in Darfur. Their lives sacrificed for the coming World of Islam. Anyone know that 3,000-4,000 have been murdered by Islamists in Thailand in the last 3 years (according to a Detroit Fress Press article quoting a New York Times article)? What does Thailand have to do with the Bush Admin, or Israel, or big oil? How about the thousands who march in the streets of London carrying signs saying, "Europe, your 9/11s are coming", "Kill all non-believers", and "Cut off the heads of all infidels"?

Unfortunately, Martykl is absolutely right - the Bush fumblers have blown everything they tried. They let thousands of Taliban terrorists escape in Afghanistan, including Osama Bin Laden and Mulla Omar. They also completely blew the Iraq war at every phase. If Bush had been president in 1941, we'd all be talking German west of the Mississippi, Japanese east of it.
Of course, if Gore had been president it would have happened a lot sooner.

By the way, Bruce has always sung and shouted from the front of his throat giving a pinched and constipated quality to his singing. That and the sloggy musicianship has always put me off. "Philidelphia" is a great song, though. He's not posturing as usual.

Anyone else remember a mid 80s Absolute Sound review of a Springstreen concert in which the writer said he felt like standing up in the middle of the show and shouting, "I am the only here not being fooled by this??"

Oh yeah, as regards America's position in the world, anyone realize France elected a conservative President, as did Germany? Europe is slowing starting to come around because - their 9/11s are truly being plotted now.
Gawdbless - Are you saying Europeans are remaining naive? Sarkozy taking 55% of the vote? Chancellor Merkel remaining "highly popular" with the German people? Both Sorkozy and Merkel saying they want to re-establish strong ties to the USA? The BBC reporting "Islam is the biggest threat the secular France in 100 years"? Months of rioting in France with thousands of arrests and tens of thousands of cars burned (along with Catholic churches)? France talking tough AGAINST Iran? By the way, check out Brussells.com and Littlegreenfootballs.com - loads of fun and all the news Daddy Gore doesn't want you to know. Just bring your filtering system with you for brussels.com.

By the way, my wife and I had some interesting conversations with shop owners and regular citizens this summer in Rome, Cannes, and Dubrovnik.

Guess this really should be sent in an e-mail...
Martykl - Euorpeans have disliked us for over 200 years. Most recently, they stood against us in the 70s, 80, 90s, and today. And yet, we freed them from mass murdering Nazism and Communism (the most deadly polical and social movement in the history of the world. Che alone killed probably 12,000 people and continually advocated the execution of anyone who disagreed with him). And, hopefully, now it seems there may be some movement toward rational self-interest in good 'ole Europe.

I've seen those surveys. Pretty sad naviete when Muslims have executed or are planning war-like mass murder in at least 10 Euorpean countires and another 30 or more elsewhere in the world. The US and Israel at fault? In Thailand, Switzerland, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Sudan, Russia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Denmark, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, India, etc., etc.? How do we connect the bad old USA to these continuing events?

Anyway, I think we should let the Bruce fans get back to it.
Anyone else see that Springsteen is embroiled in a lawsuit in which it's alledged he reneged on a horse purchase for $850,000.00? That's ONE horse. And the horse was to be for his daughter!!! Now that's a definite definition of fabulously rich!!!!
I had a friendly acquaintance in the 1980s who was the area rep for Polydor/Polygram. He worked with Springsteen on a number of occasions (along with Whitney Huston & John Mellencamp). Wilson had told me number of times that Bruce was somewhat hypocritical - would act one way in front of fans and the media, another behind the scenes. Said Springsteen would insist on $5,000.00 a night suites (back then!!) when he'd leave the country, would stay at more pedestrian digs while in the USA. Wilson said Bruce very carefully cultivated his 'working man' image while demanding more and more money, perks, etc. And he knew how to spend them. Wilson told me back then that Springsteen was one of the first (Michael Jackson being the other) to demand a 100% increase in what he was being paid per CD. And remember, Bruce married a supermodel in the 80s!!

Wilson said Mellencamp was the only rocker/pop star who was completely down to earth. Treated everyone the same and liked his Bud. Never demanded unreasonable things and would accept whatever situation he found himself in. Always in a mellow mood and was friendly with everybody including stage hands. Wilson said he was exactly like his image on his records. Of course, this was all 20+ years ago.