Daughter needs something better than iPhone for music. Help!

My daughter uses Spotify as a music source but listens via her phone speaker when at home.  I have an extra pair of Paradigm Atoms that I do not use and assuming she would like these, what's the best way for her to listen to music on something better than her phone?  It's needs to have the ability to use Spotify and power to drive the Atoms.  Am looking for inexpensive suggestions but gives decent sound quality.  Anything is better than her phone speaker.

Showing 2 responses by jc4659

Thanks all for the education and suggestions.  I like that killer feature on the Peachtree Nova 150!
So is the phone using Bluetooth to connect to the speaker or is there a jack that connects the analog signal, or is it a digital signal that goes from the phone to an outboard dac?  I really don't know how this works