DAC/Streamers Under 10k - Mytek, PS Audio...

Let's imagine you only listen to streaming music (Tidal, Qubuz, Apple Music, Youtube, etc). Roon is a pretty good way to stream higher quality to a Roon core (though the interface is horrendous) and for everything else you want to use AirPlay (which is lossless). What's the best option for a DAC-Streamer out there? I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, which sounds excellent, but I don't love that I need to attach a USB cable to a computer to get the music to play (using a MacBook Pro currently).

There is the 
- Mytek Manhattan II w/ Network Card - $7k
- PS Audio DirectStream - $6k
- Lumin X1 - $14k (well over budget)
- Ayre QX-5 Twenty - $9k (might not support AirPlay)
- something from NAIM?
- ???

I've seen very few comparisons in the space so I just don't even know what's out there.
(For reference, the system is currently MBP > Mytek Brooklyn > Mc C47 > Mc MC452 > B&W 802 D3 with all Audioquest cabling)
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
@ kcpellethead

The PS Audio Directstream with or without network bridge IS a DAC ! I know, I have one with Bridge II and it is an exceptional DAC worth every penny. I use my PS Audio Transport and PS Audio NuWave Phono Pre using the I2S connections as well as the network bridge via JRiver 24 to feed my listening needs.

If the OP hadn’t ordered a Manhattan, I would have highly suggested the PS Audio Directstream w/ Bridge.
A day late and a dollar short, that's me. Also, I was referring to the PSA Directstream Memory Player.
I too, would have recommended the PS Audio DAC, especially as it can be had for considerably less than it's list price, either through the PS Audio trade-in program (where they credit you for the original MSRP of your used equipment) or from a certain well-known online dealer.  I love mine.  I used it for some time without a preamp, which was fine, but it's even better with a high-quality preamp.  (I've been in heaven since I added the PS Audio BHK preamp to the chain.)  But if you're OK with spending $7K on a DAC, the Manhattan may well be superior.  I haven't heard it.
IMO, the ps audio DS with bridge ii is hard to beat. If you aren’t using some kind of bridge, you are using old technology and sacrificing SQ. Ditch the troublesome usb connection. Also, FPGA dacs are the future and the ps audio DS uses that technology today. If you aren’t using a FPGA dac, you will either be unable to upgrade when new technology comes out or you will have to pay a good sum of $$$$ the upgrade the dac. A case in point, to add MQA support to my ps audio DS dac, I had to update both the DS software and the bridge software, at no cost. My buddy had to pay $1500 to get a new card for his out of date msb analog dac, which still makes his outdated dac outdated.