Comments Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II

I own the Sonus Faber Electra and am wondering if a trade up to the Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II is worth the money (lots) for the sound results. My system includes the BAT VK-D5 CD Player and the Bow Wazoo Integrated amp. I have heard people say these are wonderful and others say they are dry and the first Electra is the best. Last week end, I heard the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Speaker with the Plinius 8510. They were musical, great on vocals, sound stage okay, etc and I liked them. Several months ago, I heard the Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Pianos. I also liked them but the bass seems limited. I am in no hurry to make a decision. Speaker size is a major concern so they need to be small (like the Beethoven). Since my existing Sonus Faber Electra's have no bass, a full range Speaker is my goal priced up to $5K (if needed, under 4K is preferred). Comments on the Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II and others are requested. There are too many speakers in the market today. What else should I listen to?

Showing 1 response by apb3400cac36

Sonus Faber Electra Amator II possible the worst buy out there for same money or less you can get following speakers: Audio Physics Virgo (5395),B&W 803N (5000),ProAc 2.5 (4500), B&W 804N (3500),Audio Physics Tempo (3500),B&W 805N (2500) and for final nail in the coffin Magnepan 1.6 (1475) yep they are all better or as good in most departments,as you see there are many options now it depends on rest of your system and your prefrences/taste.Unfortunately SF in US are way overpriced they cost in Europe only 3000$ which is still too much and yes the series 1 is much better. Good luck :-)