can u cut longer interconnects and reterminate?

Is there a problem with cutting a longer cable and have it reterminated to a new length- I have moved my system around and do not need the 10 meters I have but do not want to buy new cables- Is there a problem with just buying new rca plugs and have them reterminated or does that effect the sound - thanks

Showing 4 responses by lall

Extravaganza, which solder(s) would you recommend to cut & reterminate pure copper high end interconnects?
some cable manufacturers like Kubala & Purist will never do that because their cables are serially numbered and in case they reterminate into smaller lengths the additional pieces so obtained would, according to them, generate problems relating to serial numbers, warranties etc..
The first meter is always going to be much more expensive because they contain the connectors. Just to give you an example, a quad set of WBT Nextgen RCA plug costs anything between $160 to 300!
Hello Extravaganza, thanks for the info. Where did you buy this solder? A website link would be appreciated. Thanks.