Can I clean my records manually?

Well, I know I can but, will this method yield acceptable results for approximately 6 months until I get a record cleaner? If so, I imagine I need a cleaning fluid and some type of a brush or rag. Can anyone recommend a method. Also, am I correct in assuming that the only value an automatic cleaner provides is convenience?

Further, can a dirty record damage a cartridge? I can't see how it would since dirt is softer than the vinyl grooves and lots softer than a diamond.

Am I that ignorant? Please, let me down easy.


Showing 4 responses by gadfly

I think my manual method is better than an RCM. Wiothout going into infinite detail, I use a cake decorating spinner. Cast iron base with metal platter. I use a vacuum with a cutout 'crevice tool'. With the record wet after a washing I run it very slowly while pressing down with the crevice tool and I can feel the pressure of the vaccum pulling onto the vinyl.

I can't beleive that a RCM can get as close to the record as I can. And it costs very little, the DIY approach. but it is a drudge. But it is worth it.

Three passes withthe vacuum at slow RPMs get the record so clean that the only nastiness I am hearing is physical damage, if there is any.
I think the top end stuff like Loricraft with that little string will beat my DIY method ... but you sure gotta go far to do it, doncha?

I can't go for the big $Ks on this so it is becoming clear that DIY, once you get the hang of it, is the 'best' that you can do unless you get a Monks or Loricraft.

I would love to have one of those things, btw. It would make my life easier, make my records sound better, and increase my geek quotient immensely.

my DIY method uses a vacuum so there sotesibly no dirt left on the record. I think a Loricraft would be more elgant less arduous way to go.

You funny: "If you enjoy tinkering more than listening to music by all means build your own."

Yeah, I absolutely love sitting there cleaning records. ha. I do it to get clean records. Having a family and kids precludes me from sacrificing a weeks pay for a cleaning machine.

It's nice to live in your own little world isn't it?
Truth is, I would buy an expensive RCM in a heartbeat if I had the cash. Too bad for me. I have been thinking of at least getting the KAB so I don't have to spin by hand at least.

And to echo the original poster: "Am I that ignorant? Please, let me down easy."

Thanks for doing so. :-)