Boulder phono stage

I am considering the purchase of a Boulder phono stage to mate with my 2010 pre-amp.
The two choices are either the 1008 or 2008.  Please do not recommend a new 2108 as it is currently outside my price range.  Have any of you auditioned these, if so what are your impressions?

Thank you,

Showing 3 responses by jg2077

Thank you AMW.  Maybe,  I should audition the 508.  I have located both I mentioned above,  but have yet to commit.   I'm currently listening to an MC Anna on a Talea II, and a Stradiverdi V2 on a 11inch 4 point Kuzma.  

I settled on and purchased a Boulder 2008. I'm satisfied with the results...excellent unit, I highly recommend it.  I'm  still using the Boulder 2010 linestage. 
