Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII

Have new pair of Magico S5 MK II and have had Magico for a long time. I love them but considering trying either Giya G1 Series 2 or YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 from my Magico's. Curious to hear from anyone that has head 
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Showing 4 responses by mheinze

My finding is the exact opposite of yours (I own the A3). The A3 DO NOT do the usual "audiophile" trait, and that is probably what you are missing (Your preferences seems to be of speakers with boosted highs/lows – almost like a loudness button, very common grab for audiophiles). The A3 are balanced, and like most Magico loudspeakers, super low on coloration, to some ears, this may be “boring”.
It was me who deleted the post, I had a spelling mistake.
In any case, we must have different priorities, as I truly don’t share your findings. I am very familiar with the Harbeths , and find them colored, and less extended when compared to the A3, they certainly don’t sound more “real” to me than the A3 (I should know I am a professional musician).They also change characteristics with volume changes, a problem with many speakers on the market.