Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Yes!!!! That would be me :)

Hopefully next week it will be in my hands. Don't be shy, order yours today!
So Joe, we obviously love our 225s. Up until this amplifier, the best amps to ever grace my system were the EAR 890 and the Will Vincent rebuild of a Dynaco ST-70. This amp clearly bests both of them. I've read in another forum that you had the EAR 890 as well. Like I said, I see that you like the Job, and I know you think it's outstanding for the price. However, forget price for a moment. I'm curious to know how you like the Job compared to your more expensive/exotic equipment (like the Dhartzeels and D'Agostino momentums). IN RELATION TO those amps, how does it stack up in your opinion?
Ha! Nothing like putting me on the spot. I have not received the EAR 890 yet. I hope to have it in about 2 more weeks. Ugh! I am not sure what's going on with the delay. I did receive the EAR 868 preamp 2 days ago and really like it. I hope the 890 amp sounds great as well. We'll see. If I knew then what I know now, I would have purchased the Job 225 over any other solid state amp. Is the Job 225 better than my Conrad Johnson GAT and ART mono blocks? No way. My Conrad Johnson gear is simply outstanding. I would have purchased the Job 225 and the CJ gear and I would have been done!
One more thing Devilboy .... I would just get the Job 225 (it will pair with many speakers and sound great) and focus on some tube gear and tube friendly speakers for ultimate musical enjoyment. That's what I would do if I had it to do over again.
When going to the linked page ( there's a picture showing some kind of cicular knob w/ numbers on the end of it. What is that? Likewise, on the home page another picture of a knob, minus the numbers, between the heat sinks....looks like a volume control....what is that one for??

Seems to me that from the description of the sound of this amp the Fritz line of speakers might be ideal!?

U say u would've purchased the job over any other solid state amp. I thought u had the momentum amps. Don't tell me u like the 225 better than those.
I've owned two EAR amps over the years. .... the 890 and the 834 Integrated.
Both amps emphasize the midrange which is typicall of EAR amps IMO. I Don't want to influence your opinion of the 890 before u get it. ... I'm Just saying that was what I heard in the system I had it in at time.

I had the Momentum stereo amp and yes it was VERY good, one of the best amps I have had and I have heard. I prefer my CJ ART monos over everything. There is no contest against my CJ ART amps. CJ ART monos are stunning.

Believe it or not, the Job is better in some ways and not as good in some ways compared all my other solid state amps. Yes, compared to those mentioned. This is my opinion and not fact. If you consider the price difference and the amount of power you need (meaning if the Job has enough power), give me the Job 225 and I am done solid state amp-wise. After all, it is a baby Goldmund. Having gone back and forth with tubes and solid state, tubes give me more enjoyment. Tubes over the Job? No. The Job over other solid state? Yes.

My new Job arrives Monday. I am happy.
Seeing as how the new Ncore amps are all the rage and seem to be giant killers, anyone compare the Job to one of these?
I think the first batch of 50 or so sold out in one day. I think they are very happy. I am too because that means more products and more amps coming.
There is already feedback on Amazon comparing the two and the poster said the (older version) JOB bested the N-cores!
Holy Cr@p! The magic is back. My Job arrived @ 9am and it is hooked up and singing sweetly. This amp is PHENOMENAL !!! It's not even broken in, but sounds fabulous. If you do not own one or are thinking I am crazy, it's your loss. I hooked it up with my EAR 868 tube preamp on my TAD's and I am giddy.
Geez people, you're ravings are starting to make me look for an online blackmarket for selling my kids to get one of these!! What is the overall sound character of these amps? Neutral/warmish, raw neutral, coolish? What system sound character would be most beneficial to have to get the most out of this amp?

These amps are articulate. Voice, male and female, is very natural. Bass is full, maybe not as tight as Krell for example, certainly good enough for me. Full, three dimensional effect. Superbly clear yet with a slight touch of warmth. I love a good tube preamp or warm SS preamp in front of it for my taste. Awesome low volume performance - which is the bulk of my listening. I am not a head banger so I have not run out of steam. The Job 225 is very well balanced from top to bottom.
Joe, glad your Job is in and sounding fantastic! My friend had an 868 with an 890 and his system always sounded great. Curious to know how it sounds with the 225. The thing that I love most about the Job is it's so damned holographic. The transparency is amazing. Very CLEAN sounding with a low noise floor. Goldmund does something with the damping factor issue which gives me the deepest, tightest, most ACCURATE bass I've ever had from any amp. I know I sound like a broken record but I never had a component that impressed me more than this thing.

You described it better than I could, AND you are 100% correct. It's amazing. I hooked up the Job to my EAR 868 and it sounds fabulous. There is a post from me coming up that should help explain what I hear. I hope this link helps too.
Anyon know how the Job might sound run direct into a Berkeley Alpha Dac, powering Tad Cr1's (which I'm mulling)?
Devilboy, what is the sound characteristic of the Job amp? Whenever I hear phrases like "clean" my mind thinks sterile and/or bright. I'm assuming this is wrong thinking on my part so how would you describe the sound? Mind you, exchanges like this are a big part of how assess the sound of a given unit. Thanks!
Facebook first impressions:

Part-Time Audiophile: Out of the box? Much higher level of fit and finish than I would have expected. Sound quality is also something of a surprise. Very rich, full, with completely satisfying extension. That's all I've got so far, but it's been driving my Magnepan 3.7s to thunderous levels since this morning and it's only barely warm to the touch. Looking very much like a keeper.
Peleg, I wouldn't misinterpret my description of "clean" with sterile or bright. By clean I meant more of a "quiet" sound with a low noise floor which also brings out more subtle nuances deep within a recoding. Sorry if this isn't the widely accepted description of how components sound, it's just how my brain works and how it hears music. :^) The 225 has surprising warmth for a solid state amp. I've NEVER been a solid state guy because in order to do solid state right, IMO you must spend serious dollars. I've never heard a solid state amp that impressed me AT REASONABLE PRICES. The only one I like that has an incredibly beautiful midrange is my friend's amp that he built himself with Mundorf caps the size of soda cans.

Now, in my opinion, the Job is INCREDIBLY transparent. The words "holographic" and "organic" always come to mind. One of the most impressive things about it is the "air" I hear around voices, and instruments. I've never had an amp that was able to "convince" me of where the artist was IN RELATION TO THE ROOM AND THE SIZE OF IT, than the Job 225. Again, this is what my brain hears as being "clean".

Very detailed without being bright. With other amps I've had, these usually went hand in hand. The amp has VERY wide dynamic range meaning it goes from very soft passages to full crescendos instantly without ever feeling the need to adjust volume louder or softer, if that makes sense. In my experience, that is the make of a great product: when you don't have to constantly adjust volume DURING THE SAME SONG.

Bass is easily the most articulate bass I've ever had, and Joe like what you said earlier, this is what I MEANT to type on a previous post, but instead I typed "accurate". Sorry, I had a martini and I messed up! Maybe my amp is finally breaking in fully, but last week I was listening and the bass went deeper than I ever heard it go before. Again, this is what I mean by every day this thing impresses me more and more.

The TONE of the amp seems so "right", which is crucial for me for any component. I listen to a lot of classical and jazz and the tone of unamplified instruments sound so correct. It's not a super warm amp, but like Joe says, it has a touch of warmth,(not E.A.R. warmth but Tim seems to emphasize the midrange a bit on his gear, which is probably why they're so pleasing to listen to). Listening to the 225 never made me wish it was warmer, for what it's worth. Black backgrounds are just as important to me because so much more comes out and the air around voices and instruments just make music sound more real to me.

I guess the amp is slightly on the warm side of neutral.

This may not be how most people describe equipment but it's how I hear music and I tried to be as descriptive as possible saying what I listen for and what pleases me. Hope this helps.
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife.
Well said Devilboy!

My two Job 225 amps are keepers. I am going to buy EVERY new Job product that comes out. I can't wait for their preamp and hope they come out with mono blocks.
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife.
Hey, we're all in this together right? LOL. No problem Peleg, and good luck with your better half!

Joe, I understand that Job is coming out with a preamp soon. God, I have a feeling I'm going to make another purchase....I currently have the Bent TAP-X and let me tell you, one of those doesn't exactly fall into someone's lap every day. They're pretty hard to find. I was fortunate to come across one TWICE! I love that thing so much, but more importantly, I love it WITH the Job. I know I'm going to get the itch to buy the Job preamp but I don't want to get rid of the Bent. Oh God, this s*** never ends.

Joe, I'm about to go fuse shopping for both the Job and the Metrum DAC. Wish me luck.

Tell me about it. It will never end, but at least we are finding better gear at lower prices.

As for the fuse, only buy the Audio Magi Nano-Liquid Premium.

DevilBoy, you may want to look about changing Dacs before you change that preamp!

Metrum is good, but many reportedly beat it. I know a couple guys who switched.

Chord Qute with Linear PSU, Phasure Nos1, Lampizator, Auralic Vega, BMC PureDac, etc are some of the hottest names in the mid/high market segment.
Fuse update: 4A Slow-Blow small.

I have to apologize if there was any confusion in previous posts. I can't go back and edit them. Please use a 4A Slow-Blow small fuse in the Job 225 amps.
Hi all, wanted to comment. Thanks for the fuse suggestions. I will check into that straight away. I bought mine in June. The grounding issue was frustrating but it was handled professionally and quickly. I have been in the hobby for just over 10 years. I fully expected it would be another 10 before I could afford sound like this. The word "articulation" keeps popping up through this thread. That is an apt one word description! Also, so....this is what 30Hz bass sounds like? I had no idea! I've used tubed integrateds for the last six or so years. I'm currently using a Rogue preamp. It is my first preamp so I can't really comment comparatively on that account. However, I am seriously considering the matching Job pre when released. Back to solid state after all these years. What a strange pursuit we participate in.
I'm a little concerned about replacing any stock fuses with a boutique fuse. I may just be paranoid, but I've read in a few places that while some boutique fuses will SOUND better, they may not be quick enough in protecting the component-its primary function.
A slow-blow is a slow-blow, boutique or not. Have no fear. My friends and I have been using them for years. AND, they sound great.
Jslate, glad you've found happiness with the Job. I too have been a tube guy (for about 17 years). I never thought I'd settle on a SS amp but like you said, a strange pursuit. Everything is system dependant though. All I know is my current speakers LOVE the Job 225.

Joe, I guess I'll take a chance.
Get the Liquid Nano "The Supreme" fuse. The one for $105 and do not look back. You will not believe the difference.

Just looked on Audio Magic's website and they have a newer fuse than the "Audio Magic Nano-Liquid Premium" called "The Super Fuse" ($105). Which one do you currently use?

Thanks, Mick.

That's the one. Mine is coming very soon and my friend loves it. I am temporarily using a HiFi Tuning fuse but as soon as my Audio Magic Liquid Nano "The Super Fuse" comes, I'll be in heaven.


Our new Super Fuse incorporates our liquid compound w/ Black Out and Nano Stream Treatment just like the original -- but now comes with our new proprietary "Particle Cover Stock".

What does this mean to you? About a 30% improvement from the original -- including shimmering highs, glorious midrange, tighter and deeper bass, and incredible sound!!
It seems the amps are back in stock (from another forum):

Received email from Job 4:36 this morning, ordered a Job 225 at 5:01! Can't wait!
Joe, yeah that's the one I saw. I was going to buy it but then emailed you with my concern. I just need to buy it tonight and get it over with. I have to see if they have one for my DAC too.

Forgot to ask, does the Job have a small pull-out draw to replace the fuse or do you have to open it up?

Thanks, Mick.
I had missed this follow up:

Yes it does. I found it easier to open it up and push it from the back to help slide it open. If you are careful, you can work it out from the outside. There were 2 fuses in mine, the one in use and a spare. The one closest to the amp is the one you replace. The first one you see while pulling out the drawer is the spare fuse. I'll be posting a few photos soon for those unsure and will provide a link here to help with the replacement.
Here is a link to the photos of my Job 225's fuse holder. Hopefully this will be clear once you see where the fuse goes inside the amp.

Thanks, mate. That helps a lot.

But just to confirm, when the draw is open, the FUSE HOLDER NEAREST THE AMP is the one to use. The second slot (furthest from amp) is for spare fuses only.

Thanks again, Mick.
Thanks Joe. I just joined and responded on audioshark. Like I said, I'm on day 6 of my indecisiveness about which fuse to put in. Hearing different things about different fuses.

Thank you so much!

Tell me more about what other recommendations for fuses that you are getting.