Amperex 6922 overkill?

I have an all Audio Note system with a MK2 Sig. Dac. The stock tubes are 6922 Soviek's.
Will the Amperex 6922,PQ,White Label,Gold Pins,U.S. or Holland (Joe's tube lore) be a overkill in this Dac?. Cost for these tubes,$400.00? Yes!. Any other tubes that will work as well?


Showing 1 response by cal3713

Just posting to let interested parties know that I've got two sets of 1960s US made White Label Amperex PQs (6922s & 7308s) up on the Mart.  All tested as new when I bought them and have only been sitting in storage since.  Had to pack up my stereo and am clearing out some extras items that weren't going to get used.  Not making any money, just hoping to find them a loving home...