Albany NY "Capital District"

The Catskill & Adirondack Audio Society has been around since 1989. It's been hibernating for a bit now, but if there is new response from this post, I'll see what we can do to ratchet up the meeting schedule! your emails in response are welcomed...
I expect to shortly tack on some club pages to my website under the Archives/Images section:
Hi Everyone,
Because of the VTV show in NJ, I will have to limit my get together to Sunday May 7th. FOr those interested, I have the large 98dB Usher D2 horn speakers on display as well as many other higher-E speakers. The Daedalus DA-1 are still here at 96dB with some other fun stuff.

You can check these pieces out at

If I can get enough interest, we will set the date (and I will clean the place up).

Interested parties can email me at [email protected]
OK DUDEZ!! Mini meeting open to interested folks...

At my place June 30th. That's a Saturday.


What we'll be doing - Listening on wide range horns w/15"midbass and Quadripole subs, and likely also Altec A-7X modified and rebuilt by moi, w/803 horns, leaving for a new home shortly... talking about circuits, equipment and stuff... doing some electronics things in the lab (maybe).

Al Rauchwerger of Virtual Image will be here with some of his goodies.

You may bring CDs, and ANY GEAR you'd like to hear inserted into the system!

The place here is in flux and half-life decay, but we'll still have a good time even if no one who reads this shows up... but I figured I'd make a good faith post here...

Remember: email me: bear at bearlabs dot com

Hey Bear, Count me in! I'll bring some equipment goodies and surprises. Thanks for the invite. Waveman
Had a great get together!

Waveman, myself, Al, Pablo & Rick (their real names) were there.

Extensive cable swapping, interconnect and AC, two transports, Waveman brought an over-the-top build preamp, Rick brought a tapped xfmr passive preamp and a DAC... auditioned and listened for hours... magnificent!

