Addendum to

My answer to that, unfortunately, is nothing! My CD/DVD player is broken down, once again, by the use by McIntosh of a crappy Denon transport mechanism (from a 2930).

The parent company, DNM Holdings, dictated its use. So my MVP 871 is out of service, until I can find a new transport. Second time in three years.

My turntable hasn't broken down, even though it's nearly 50 years old. How many CD players will still be going strong 50 years from now? None, I would venture to say.

I just thought I'd vent a little, but the truth is, with the right record, vinyl does sound better. And, it still works. There. I've said it.

Happy New Year,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
I have the same perspective as Bill(Grannyring). Depending on the quality of your CD player/system, CDs can sound marvelous.Some people are quick to write off Redbook CD but so much(as always) is determined by implementation.As a former hardcore analog advocate, yes records can sound superb when set up(and the vinyl quality)is good.There are bad sounding analog front ends as well.Both mediums can sound good or poor depending on what you have configured.If I couldn't get the organic sound and music's emotion from CD I wouldn't bother with it. Fortunately I do. Dan, I believe your fine system deserves a higher quality transport to get better sound quality from your CDs.
Not exactly ...not all CDPs be R.I.P in 50 years

Some of the ultra high-end CD/DAC brands (e.g. REGA ISIS) have two more identical unique matched serial number replacement parts ( including matched serial # new transports) set aside at REGA reserved only and specifically for every one made to ensure unit long-term longevity and service continuity.

Onkyo has a very interesting CD player, the C-7030. Some people hate it, more people love it. I suggest listening to see if it meets with your expectations. At its price (<$200 at it's hard to pass.
Charles, Bill, et al,

The MVP 871 is actually a very fine sounding player, especially with the modifications done on it. Had I known about the transport problem, I would have never bought it.

I have a sizable collection of multi-channel audio discs, or else I would ditch the thing entirely, there's also the matter of losing my investment in the McIntosh.

I have no intention or desire to do the computer audio thing. I HATE computers. I wanted to die without ever having one. There are times when I wish I had. Without one, though, life became like living like a mushroom, in the darkest part of the cellar.

I did manage to find a replacement transport, I hope it arrives soon so I can install it, and get back to my lazy digital ways when I feel like it.

You are right Charles, Redbook CD's can sound very good. If it didn't, I certainly wouldn't have wasted time and money on it, nor do I think most of us would have done.

Anyway, best of the new year to all,