

Responses from wesheadley

An Epiphany
Clean records are a MUST if you want to avoid wear. Clean records can be played back thousands of times without degradation-- this HAS been studies-- so long as your turntable is setup right and your stylus is kept scrupulously clean.New vinyl IS ... 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
I belong to a number of FB audio pages-- RARELY if EVER do I see trolls. Most people are BY FAR courteous and respectful of one another.  That said FB grows more evil by the day and I find myself using it less and less. Their policy to allow blata... 
Another Analog v. Digital Thread? Not Really
All other things being equal, in my experience a good turntable/cartridge/Phono preamp combination still beats the crap out a good DAC or a CD (even when the digital unit is tuned and tweaked to sound as warm and analog as possible). Good digital ... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Just because people swear they hear something, or see something for that matter, does not make it so. The only thing you might hear by moving cables around-- lifting them off the floor or putting them on the floor for that matter-- is if there was... 
A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:
"I dont think they assume people on average would be. The business plan only requires selling a couple pairs a year . "Their business plan relies upon ripping off gullible people with (hopefully) too much money to spend. Some business! 
A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:
Beyond a certain point, with respect to materials and assembly costs, a $5,000 cable is not better than say a $300 cable. What you hear are small differences-- like flavor notes between a varietal of wine. Is a $500 bottle of wine "better" than a ... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
Snopes is a very reliable source for debunking urban legends such as the green marking pen used on CD's. Where's the evidence they are unreliable? ... thought so.Cables can sound different in different systems, but above a certain level of materia... 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
The world has less that 3,000 billionaires-- no, these products are made for high net-worth professionals and of course, the venerable trust-fund-babies. Pity the fools that actually believe they have improved their system by dropping $10k on one ... 
best interconnect at decent price
jblselector: You're very correct. Cables do vary in quality and sound characteristics, but beyond a certain level of build quality and material quality lies a sea of craven hype and outright bullsh!t. People often mistake differences for improveme... 
White Album Deluxe Anniversary edition
People tend to like whatever version of an LP they grew up with, however, GM's work on SPLHCB and TWA is exemplary and restores sounds that were either buried in the mix, or bass that was rolled way off so that the LP would play nice on el cheapo ... 
Oppo Ceasing production
I've been in this hobby since I was 15 years old-- back in the 1970's-- so what's changed? Money, in the form of disposable income. Wages and salaries for the middle class have been stagnant or in decline since then. Economic mobility in the US ha... 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
I can tell you from personal experience that Soundsmith stands behind their products. Peter will get to the bottom of this problem for you if you just give him a chance. How many owners of high-end audio companies actually reach out in forums like... 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
I have two Soundsmith cartridges-- The Hyperion and Paua and neither exhibit the slightest sibilance (other than the occasional bad LP-- and that's hardly the cartridge's fault). I use one on a SOTA belt drive table and the other on a Pioneer dire... 
Done buying new vinyl
slaw: I suppose I felt that that your zen-like simplicity ;~) deserved some further elaboration. Especially for anyone just getting into vinyl. 
Tom Petty: It was an "accidental" OD
Does anybody here no how many US citizens are killed by medical error in this country every year? You might be surprised to know that in this unhappy statistic, we're NUMBER 1! With more than 250,000 preventable deaths by error per year. Far more ...