

Responses from noromance

Audiophile community help
Enjoyed that.   
Speakers replace or improve?
If this is the case, the issue is with your turntable and or the phono amplification. Buy a $149 Schiit Mani 2 and bypass the integrated phono input. Ensure the turntable is mounted on a solid surface. Remove lid if possible when playing. It is ... 
Are You A Disciplined Audiophile?
If it doesn’t sound good in 1 minute, I don’t hang around waiting for it to change. If it does sound good, or show signs of greatness, I will give it time to burn/break in. Tubes, bearings, drivers, and capacitors all improve with use.  
Loud pop/screech when powering on amp
Try the original power cord oriented per the manual -red dot on hot side of outlet. Is there an option to enable soft or delayed start on the amplifier?  
Capacitor replacement for Jamicon 25 volt
@dabarrie  Good to hear. Interesting the improvement to video. I've seen this myself with a change of HDMI cable.  
Speakers replace or improve?
1. No 2. Probably not. Although, I’ve a sneaking suspicion that you are expecting room-shaking bass. Are you sure they are wired correctly? Out of phase connections will have poor bass. I think you need to connect the sub somehow and reappraise. ... 
To upgrade a separate power supply?
Or, how many years since it was last turned on? If it's in frequent use and working correctly, it may not need replacement electrolytic capacitors.  After how many years should the caps be replaced.?  
Posting images triggers "You have been blocked by Audiogon" page
I've been getting those too. I suspect there's a bug.  The workaround I use is as follows: Create your post. Click Source button. Copy code. Refresh page. Click Source again. Paste code. Post.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Talk Talk – Life's What You Make It, Extended Dance Version (EMI 1986))  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Bathers – Unusual Places To Die (Go Disc's 1987)  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Black Eagle Jazz Band - Don't Monkey With It (Stomp Off Records 1987)  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tomas Örnberg's Blue Five – Come Back, Sweet Papa [Pays Homage To Kid Lewis] (Stomp Off Records 1982)  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Sumpens Swingsters – Hemma Hos Sumpen (GHB 1980)  
Looking for... Integrated tube amp with phono
This has some info. You don't need to max out your budget.    
CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________??????????
@elliottbnewcombjr Simply select the text you want, e.g. "Here is a link," then click the link button. Then paste in the URL of the site. You can also start by clicking the link button and fill in the fields. @pindac Install ad blocker extension...