

Responses from nonoise

The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
@gwbeers, Nice analogy. My father was a film editor back when they used film. Towards the end of his career digital was coming on scene and he hated it. It's implementation lagged way behind the promises. Today it's great but back then, as a child... 
The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
Erik:Don't let the objectivists hear you say that. They would consider it blasphemy and subject you to something jagged, or worse.  😄All the best,Nonoise 
The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
From the Stereophile review, a rebuttal from the first reviewer:In order to answer that question, I have purchased and studied at least 80 genuine (analogue) “master tapes” taken directly from the archives of RCA. Many of them I played back on the... 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
I'll take MiIdly Retarded for 100, Alex. 
Marantz sa11 S2 - upgrade to outboard DAC?
I have the SA15S2b SACD player and some friend brought over a couple of DACs and I even tried a Schiit Bifrost (a step down?) and it always seemed like a sideways move, at best. Going with a better PC (TWL Digital American), better fuses (no need ... 
An audiophilic music lovers Christmas!
@benlzy,It must have been all in the timing. I waited a day after first spotting the offer and was surprised to see it still there. Boy am I glad I did. They're simply wonderful. I'll do a short write up soon. All the best,Nonoise 
Are DAC's overpriced?
Yes, I feel a bit guilty responding as a certain someone wouldn't stop interjecting after being asked not to and to start his own thread. I would have been happy with that but I got a bit fed up as well. I shouldn't have and I won't any longer.All... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
If that’s it, then what are the benefits of doing so if not to improve the sound quality of the music?From what I understand, noise floor is the threshold from which lower signals can not be resolved. Those signals are music that can’t be differen... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
I’m so relieved that the Rams will not have to face the Bears. Now, as to:No, an increase in dynamic range only results in a lower noise floor. To suggest it has any other benefit (effecting the sound “across the board”) shows that you do not know... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
You are so misleading with your specs (when it suits you). Yes, a room wouldn't have more than 60-70db of dynamic range, if that. But to say that if one can increase the dynamic range that the additional bits would be of no consequence is a flat o... 
For our European friends
You can start by checking out Hi Fidelity, a Polish audio review site:http://www.highfidelity.pl/ andhttp://hifi-products.com/msearch.cgi?HCountry=PL&search=%20Search%20&Amplifiers_Check=on&Speakers_Check=on&CD_Check=on&Tuners_... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
There seems to be a trend here that for pennies on the dollar you can get a great sounding DAC and it's all based on measurements. Good luck with that. Measurements don't mean dick unless it's properly implemented. That, and you're following folk ... 
Brief Review: JW Audio Cryo Nova Speaker Cables
Congrats @foster_9,It pays to keep those older cable around. I have about half a dozen that I've never bothered to sell and try them out when I get a new component just like you did, just to see how they fare and as an indicator of how and where t... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
@mzkmxcv,No. No grasping at straws as the measurements show only part of the story. The only straw being grasped is the one you chose in saying that the measurement is definitive of what an ideal speaker should sound like without being there to he... 
How good's your hearing
How about 'sense' it as your mind fills in the gaps? I ask because the harmonics start right where the actual range stops.All the best,Nonoise