
Responses from montytx

PSB M2 vs. Martin Logan Clarity - Which is better?
I would opt for the PSB B-25 and save the money until I had a larger room. You aren't going to benefit from getting lower extension in an apartment and they sound great with very little current. You are going to have limitation given that your roo... 
Greatest C&W Band
Man, you are drunk. 
Obsessed with room acoustics
Swap the speakers from side to side. You might find that you prefer them in one position or the other. I did. In fact, I think one of my speakers is slightly more sensitive than the other. 
Trying to match impedance
The long and short of it is that almost any preamp would be fine using the unbalanced input of the amp. However, in that the balanced input is in fact 1.2k ohm, you'll need to ensure that your preamp choice in balanced mode is less than a hundred ... 
Trying to match impedance
I just noticed I misread your balanced vs se numbers and my comments should be swapped with respect to those. Sorry. 
Trying to match impedance
Are you sure that 1.2K number is right? I'm going to assume that the number might be 12K ohm. This is still rather low for an input impedence. I would probably steer clear of preamps that have output impedences greater than about 500 ohm unless it... 
Musicality vs Transparency & Detail
It's easier to excuse a lack of detail if you aren't aware that it exists in the recording. Once you know it's there, it becomes much harder for your brain to continually "fill-in" the missing detail. Some music loses its appeal without those low ... 
Is this bad?
Most likely your amp has bias adjustments for each output tube. Each output tube needs to be in the same socket that it was in when the tech performed the bias adjustment or you have to start all over with bias adjustments.If the seller took the t... 
What song best describes you or your life?
Here's another vote for Bob Seger's, Like A Rock. If not that, it would be Eddie Money's, Looking Through the Eyes of a Child. Both, really. 
Best Place for Negative Reviews?
Contrary to what seems to be approaching a general consensus, I have grown to have more respect for Stereophile's reviewers over the years. I can't think of a single component that I have run through my system (that was also reviewed in Stereophil... 
tube amp vol control vs. preamp
It could go either way. I tend to prefer a modest amount of preamp gain, generally. Depending on the input impedence characteristics of your amplifier and the output impedence characteristics of the prospective preamp, as well as the quality and c... 
Question concerning db sensitivity
I'll mention something to consider since it hasn't been addressed in the above posts. Higher sensitivity in a speaker will also result in louder power supply noise passed on to the speakers. This may or may not be audible at the listening position... 
using the Radio shack SPL meter
I seriously doubt that your meter is off by 10%. At the frequency extremes this would be believable, but at avg. listening levels, what the meter said was likely very close to what you were hearing.Btw, I too find SPLs in excess of about 90db at t... 
My Setup - arasound - Adcom - McIntoshNo Low-end?
Several things could be at work here. You could have an impedence mismatch between the new amplifier and either the speakers or the preamp...or both. Also, cables that have not been used in a long time will often take a couple hundred hours to reg... 
Five "Golden Rules" of HiFi?
1. More money doesn't always equal better sound. 2. Before spending a dime, consider the room where the gear is going to be and understand how the room contributes to the final sound at your ears.3. Think of speakers and amplifiers as one circuit ...