
Responses from maxgain

Rat Shack SPL meter calaibration
Thanks for the links Aroc. I read what was there and they are saying the digital and the analog are the same, other than the read out. The calibration chart will help out. The thing seems to be within reason except for the extreams. I sure as hell... 
Ariston Tunrtable
in the tip? is that like "in the lue"? I am not sure how to go about trying to answer this question but would be glad to help if you can give me more info. Where the hell are you anyway? Your table is set up for what voltage? 
alternate method of bi-wiring
OH NO! It's starting all over again! Run for your life! Garfish, could you pass the fondu to Sugarbrie? 
Rat Shack SPL meter calaibration
I did a search a few days ago and didn't find what you guys are refering to. I guess I will try again. 
So how many people are using subwoofers
I love my sub,it's addictive. If you crave bass athority get the sub, or better yet get two! 
alternate method of bi-wiring
That is "shotgun" and it can have some benefit with some wire but will not duplicate bi-wire. Look for a crazy post a few weeks back on "shotgun bi-wire".WARNING!,AVISO!,CAUTION!, reading this post may make your mind melt(it is real confusing to e... 
Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?
Viggen, It does have some sort of sub out jacks, but it is not pre out(the vandersteen is not like the REL), and it has No phono stage, only a line stage.I hope this is not bad news? 
Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?
I hope it does well for you. I almost got one myself a few months back. I have a TT and would have had to sell my current pre amp and then replace the phono stage that is built into my current ARC pre amp, and there was an issue of needing to perm... 
Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?
If you like to play music "loud" you may want more juice in a room that size with a speaker of that rating. If not it should sound wonderful. I have never found the ARC amps to have trouble driving the 4 ohm speakers I have used them with. The amp... 
What is the rating of KEF LS3/5A?
I have a pair of Rogers LS3/5A's in a system for my Wife and think that they are very musical. No they may not be the last work in some aspects of their performance anymore compared to say the ProAc Tablet or even the cheap but wonderful Sound Dyn... 
bypass outlet and hook wires directly to romex??
A friend of mine did this years ago, and it did not burn down the house, but it has it's risks. It IS an inconvenient thing to do( his amp weighed 130# to boot).This was before all the new power cords came out,back in about 86. His system was amaz... 
Tube Dampers
Try the cheap clear damper rings from Audio Research. If you don't like the sound you are not out big bucks. I like what they did in my system. They should make the biggest difference in a system that really moves alot of air. Also try a Bright St... 
Power cord for ARC CD2
I have a CD-1 and the Custom Power Cord Co. "High Value" cord sounds great with it. The effect was not subtle! This cord is only $130 new from Music Direct.The bass has more solidity, texture, and punch, the sound stage is more realistic, with mor... 
Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?
Kevin, I wish you well, and am glad to see that some out there have a sense of humor. They will remember the name! 
Speaker suggestions wanted
Resuviator, I never have listened to Thiels with the Roland, so I can't comment.