

Responses from kops

Recommended Speakers with Krell 450Mcx Mono Amps?
Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario or Guarneri Memento 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Guarneri needs some real power, Krell FBI, Jadis DA88S, Gryphon Diablo, ASR EmiterII, big Chord, new Hegel.... would be some good choices 
CAT JL-2 Mk 2 sig.vs CARY 211 Anniversary
I always liked the 211 between the 2 of them, CAT though has more slam but in an akward way.Your speaker would not be a problem for the 211AEA used Cary1610 would be my choice. 
Re-tubing Jadis DA7
for 12au7 try Philips jan 5814 and 12ax7 try RCA 5751.Very good matching almost no noise regarding Ei and EH.Ask Pierre Gabrriel who is the Jadis importer and has very good support. 
mephisto IIX or ayre cx7-e
I've Audiomeca MephistoII is gorgeous looking and playing, had no problem ever. Dynamic vinyl sound.I'm in Europe and there is no service problem, as far as I know Audiomeca is operating and preparing something new in analog.Don't know about U.S. ... 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
Just heard seriously (for 4days in house) the new Krell FBI, is by far the best integrated I've heard, delicacy, sweetness, power, "sunny" without glare or harshness.............. also Gryphon Diablo was in but came second, waiting ASR emiterII to... 
I heard the older Stibbert and was dissapointing to me, also the Koala recently. Don't know the latest Stibbert. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
there will be a new sacd/cd player from MBL the 1532 sometime soon. 
Peak Consult Princess speakers?
Dear Stereovoxthanks for your info, but I'm staying a satisfying Amati Anniversario owner, the right comparison is between Anniversario, Parsifal Ovation and (if I'm not wrong) PC Empress. Although in given chance I'll try to hear the ingognito X ... 
Peak Consult Princess speakers?
Dear Stereovox,the IngognitoX a base loudspeaker is 15.000$ or euro? right, Sonus Faber Guarneri is 7500 euro and Guarneri Memento is ~9.000-10.000 euro.I have nothing personal with Peaks, they are my favorites speakers after Sonus Faber, Verity, ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Thanks Branimir about Krell.Please a clarificationthe latest and best EmmLabs models arecdsd/dcc2orcdsd/dac6e ?or something else? 
Peak Consult Princess speakers?
ingognito X and Magico is the definition of overpriced speakers, regardless of performance.But it's highend after all! 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Any news about the new Krell Evo 505? 
Dynaydio Temptation owners - what's you setup?
the Plinius dealer in my country plays with dynaudio confidence in his house. 
CAT amp/preamp & Sonus Faber Stradivari
sounds good.