

Responses from imhififan

Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com
A system only as good as its weakest link! My Yamaha P5000S power amp doesn't sound anything like the Yamaha A-S801 integrated amp in my opinion. So maybe comparing it to a Yamaha A/V receiver wouldn't be appropriate.I sent the 801 back and kep... 
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com
@clarinetmonster2 If you want to put a pair of Sonus Faber on your list, the Venere line sounds much better than the Chameleon line, if the looks are ok for you. Either the Venere 2.5 or 3.0 fit into your proposed budget. Yes,  Sonus Faber... 
Which subwoofer best pairs with B&W 804 diamonds?
It depend on the room size and application, bigger room need bigger / more powerful sub, if it is for HT duty, the AV processor / receiver will do the crossover settings for you. 
My SVS subwoofer will not turn on from auto mode
1. Try a 'Y' rca cable connect the receiver LFE to both L/R line input on the sub, if made no difference then 2. If your AV Receiver has pre-out and you have a pair full range front main speaker, you can try connect the sub line input to the recei... 
Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com
Add the Sonus faber Chameleon T to your listhttps://www.amazon.com/Sonus-faber-Chameleon-Floorstanding-Orange/dp/B01ARALQIW/ref=sr_1_3?s=aht&...https://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/904-sonus-faber-chameleon-t-loudspeakers 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
If the cap have to be in use to reduce noise, I think it is worth to confirm that if the C13 ( .03 600V ) been modified and connected across the Hot and Neutral, the cap should be a class X cap, and if the cap is connected from Neutral to chassis ... 
Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel
Help ... Totally stuck (subwoofer topic)
in the configuration I use, I find that turning off the internal crossover actually brings a fuller, louder sound with more detail. Am I unknowingly biamping with the sub used this way? Seems like a waste not to use the crossover, so I have no cl... 
Isolation transformer for laptop charger?
@jc4659 Glad my suggestion helped. if it makes a difference then all I need to do is remember to disconnect the charger when listening to digital files, and more importantly, remember to reconnect it when I’m done! Maybe you can add a current sen... 
Connect. Please help
Make sure your Vincent SP998 won't shorted the input while power off!https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/preamps-with-two-main-outs 
Why does my system now have shrill top end.
Changing the amp made no difference.How about swap the preamp?   
Klyne SK-6
@ eargasm1976There's a Klyne-7 manual http://www.techtrader.ch/auction/2016/03/Klyne-7-PX_B-3.5.3-manual.pdf 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
Wolcott Audio tube amp:http://www.wolcottaudio.com/WA_Pres_why.htmhttp://www.wolcottaudio.com/WA_Pres_specs.htmBest tube amp? 
Need recommendation for amplifier
I think everybody here need more info like:What speakers and preamp you have;Size of your listening room;SS or tube preferable... 
Isolation transformer for laptop charger?
I assume the MacBook charger is a SMPS which are known to be very noisy. Unplug the charger, use the internal battery of the MacBook Pro play some music and see if you can hear a different.Maybe a LPS?https://www.computeraudiophile.com/forums/topi...