
Responses from dynamiclinearity

Speaker Recommendation up to 70k
For half your cost I'd advise looking into Arion Audio Apollo speakers, a 2 way almost full range Air Motion Transformer system line source. The Top end goes down to 125 Hz crossing over electronically to 2 to 4 subs, each with 2 10 inch drivers. ... 
Putting an end to the audio cable debate! Part 1
There's never an end to any audio category debate, much less to audio cables. These are the kind of debates that will still be going on after the universe explodes. 
You can go home again
I used to work at a store that sold the old L100s and only carried Dynaco A25s at a super low price to draw customers. If I sold the A25s I made no money. However the A25s were so much better than the L100s it was sick. 
Speaker impedance patterns - how to read them?
Basically the frequency response of an amp with a low damping factor(high output impedance) will be affected by the peaks and dips of the speaker. The amp even if it's flat into a test resistor will not be flat into a reactive speaker load. The am... 
Are most tube preamps ‘ultra linear’?
Not all preamps are one tube, single ended. Some use two tube and are push/pull but all are still class A. The low power of a preamp is imple to make class A.Single ended amps are not so obviously the purest thing around. They are low power with l... 
Fidelity vs. Musicality...........Is there a tug of War?
Musicality is a fine alternative but then you shouldn't use terms like high fidelity. Fidelity implies truth in reproduction and then good recordings will be musical and bad recordings will sound lousy. 
Looking for Speaker Input
Let me throw an alternative into the discussion. I was shocked but I found really good anti vibration feet an anything can make a huge difference. They worked under every piece of electronics I put them especially under my CD drive(it was a brand ... 
Is bass the most important frequency band?
I love bass but I can't stand bloated mid bass. It makes sound unlistenable for me. I'd rather miss the bass. But what I value most in sound is clean attack and even more clean decay at all frequencies. Plus I need dynamic linearity, accurate leve... 
100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
I smiled at the recommendation of the Yamaha VFET amp since a VFET is a solid state triode device.On another thought I'd worry about an amp that is always sweet since that implies it's colored significantly. The amount of sweetness should vary wit... 
Cables that measure the same but (seem?) to sound different
If you believe in science(and I do) then if two items measure the same, they are the same. But that assumes you have measured everything that matters. And you don't know if some factor is missing from your measurements until you discover all the m... 
A 60 year old turntable design is still going strong!
Edgar Villchur developed acoustic suspension which allowed smaller speakers to produce bass and had a significant affect on stereo as the smaller speakers made stereo practical. And until the 70s it ruled audio speaker sales. Acoustic Research own... 
Does port location make a significant difference with regard to speaker placement?
It's best to keep a rear port away from a rear reflector. Too close can affect the port output which is why a front port is friendlier for a ported speaker close to a wall. Otherwise since port bass is 100% omni it shouldn't matter much. 
How long does Class A have?
Class A is a niche market. It's bought like jewelry because people want it. It will probably last forever.I noticed the lead question mentioned a single ended class A amp. ALL single ended amps are classe  A. They have to be, the circuit is inhere... 
When you change drivers even tweeters from the same supplier you have to redesign the crossover. It's not just a drop in(or multiplr drop ins in this case). 
Class A Power in A/B amplifiers?
There is no standard. The amount of class A can vary from less than a watt to a couple of watts and sometimes more.Note that the class A rating is usually for a solid state amp at 8 ohms. It's less as the impedance drops.Also note that most class ...