Need Kt88s Genelex? or Shuguang?

I'm looking to upgrade my Winged-C KT88s in my McIntosh MC275 and keep them as back-up. I was tending toward the Genelex which some recommend highly but have also read several reliability problem reviews. The Shuguang sound competitive.
Any suggestions? Which are more reliable? Which sound best?

Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo
Thanks for all the advice. Following it I've ordered the Genalex KT88s from Jim McShane and can't wait for them to arrive.
BTW Jim said that there were, in fact, some reliability problems with the Genalex tubes but that they were limited to about 2% bad tubes from a single, earlier production run.
Jgiacalo, please keep me posted on the new GL tubes. I'd be interested!!

Quant100, The pictures posted on their website showed the volume control knob had a blue led on it to indicate it's position. The amplifier I received from them had no led. Shuguang did about 90% of a good job. The amplifier was advertised as having high end audio components. It does, now that I have replaced the cheap coupling caps with polyproplene caps and beefed up the power supply resistors with wirewound non inductive resistors. I was disappointed with Pacific Valve but not with the amp. With the upgrades to the components and tubes the amp performance is well worth the costs.