What would you upgrade next ??

My system is finally sounding pretty good. Actually gives me goosebumps. But I'm always looking for the "weak link" in the system. I'd like opinions on what to upgrade next. I'm looking for retrieval of micro-details, air and space around each instrument and voice, 3D imaging, "palpability" of all the voices and instruments. Here is my system:
CDP: Arcam FMJ CD23T
Pre: ARC SP3c (complete upgrade/restoration at factory)
Pwr: ARC VT100 MkII (just re-tubed)
Spkrs: Acoustic Zen Adagio
Sub: Focal JM Labs SW900
Interconnect and Spkr Cables: Analysis Plus
Other: Speltz Autoformer set for 2X, use 8 ohms taps.

Thanks for your inputs.
There's an Audio Logic DAC here on audiogon -- an awesome piece:

Pauly is on the mark, too . . . room treatments are probably half of what makes a system sound great. Check out:
Agree w/room treatments. Also, dedicated lines w/upgraded outlets. Isolation devices too.
Have you done anything with AC power cables, conditioning, and segregating/isolating the digital and analog with regards to AC power ??

I do not think $1500 to $2000 for a (new) DAC is going to make that much of a difference. Probably needs to be double that to make it worth while.