No Widescreen of Full Metal Jacket?

As far as I know, Full Metal Jacket has never been released in a Widescreen format [Fullscreen pan & scan only].

I've never seen a Widescreen version on either Laser Disc, or any DVD version, even the special collectors edition.

Does anyone know why? Does it have to do to Kubrick's heirs? This doesnt make sense though, as I believe that the DVD versions were released before his death.

So what's the deal on seeing this great film as it should be seen, in the true theater aspect ratio?
Gunbei, I did a Google and an Amazon on Harakiri, I'll check it out, thanks.
Rx8man, I'm not sure if it'll be your cup of tea, it's more of a psychological piece. It begins as a slow simmer and progresses to a volcanic and violent ending. Read the Amazom reviews and try to avoid the "spoilers" if you can. Nakadai Tatsuya is one of my favorite actors ever. If you see Harakiri and Sword of Doom [Daibosatsu Toge], you'll find it impossible to believe it's the same guy playing the lead in both movies. He's that good.
Nor of Twins, Sharkey's Machine, or Doctor Strangelove to name a few. I hate full screen Dvd's and I have no idea why they are even made if in fact the movie was shot in widescreen. I brought a DVD to school where I work so my girlfriend, a sixth grade teacher could show it to her class. The kids were watching it in full frrame. I went nuts and when I came back (after explaining to them the benefits of widescreen) they were watching the proper version. Loved it. I love Full Metal as well, great movie. Mark
Zar, Doctor Strangelove has been released on Widescreen Laser Disc. Twins has been released on a special HD Japanese pressing also on Laser Disc [you don't want to know the price for this collectible]!
FP, Is laser still around? Can't use it. Don't know why the hell these and other titles are not on wide format, isn't that one of the main reasons dvd came to be? laser too? VHS really blew it by doing the stupid pan and scan trip. O.K> for curiosity sake, how much? Zar