Magnetic Isolation

Wondering if anyone could explain why mag-lev isolation, ie SPIKE SOUND-WILL MAGNETIC LEVITATORS from Divergent Technologies isn't more popular. I've heard 2 things. 1) The magnets can interfere with the electronics of the unit suspended and 2) there is a inclination for movement on a lateral plane that would render whatever vertical isolation one gets effectually null.
Tash from Divergent seems like a pretty smart and honest guy and he seems to feel they work very well. Plus comparing them to Stillpoints at between $150-$600 a footer, a $25 solution, if it works, would be very welcome.
Plus I just watched a TED talk with a 14 year old that built a Fusion reactor in his garage, and a radiation detector to use in seaports that costs about $500 that works far better than the $200,00 units that are being used now. Get's ya' thinkin' :)
I went one step further by taking the James Randi amazing Randi magic course. Now I myself am able to levitate my own equipment without the use of any outside tweaks. Its just my gear floating in its own space. It is so much cheaper. And it just sounds so much better.
Did you miss my recent post regarding simple fiber scratch pads? The soft, pristine uninfused type, probably factory surplus. They are 'perfect'. Magnetic flux might as well be a solid. The fiber pads absorb and dissipate.