Presentation is Too Forward, where to start?

Newbie looking for tweaks or equipment suggestions to resolve a too-forward presentation. Strong vocals (female and male), horns, guitar solo tracks, all have me wanting to move up against the far wall at low to moderate listening levels. Tonal balance, treble, mid, and bass are all OK and overall soundstaging is well-developed. I enjoy all types of music from traditional country blues, electric blues, jazz, Allman Brothers, Stones, Who, singer / songwriters, country, classical.

My room is 180 square feet, given the furnishings and thick pile carpet I would say it is pretty dead. My listening position is about 6 - 8 feet from the speaker plane. My speakers are 6 feet apart and 18 inches from the rear wall. Equipment:

Turntable: Music Hall MMF 5.1 with Grado Reference Platinum 1 (wall mounted on 2 inch Maple Platform.)

Phono Preamp: JoLida JD9

CD: Rega Apollo with NXG (cheapo) digital interconnect.
DAC: Music Hall 25.3 using Speltz interconnect.

Integrated Amp: Musical Fidelity A5

Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver RS6 with Signal Cable bi-wires. Sensitivity is at 90db, nominal impedence is 6 ohms.

Old Velodyne sub VA68XII connected to the Speaker Posts.

Computer Audio: iMac, running out of iTunes with an AudioEngine D2 wireless, outputted via optical connection into the Music Hall DAC.

Stand: Lovan Sovereign

Power Cords: Sound String.

Forward presentation exists through all input sources.
I would suggest one small one inexpensive thing to try. Buy on Ebay from "Audiophile Answers" (Curtis) some Qed 79 strand spk. wire. Lists for $2 a foot. Simple wire but sounds great and I have found in two systems it has made the sound more enjoyable. Give this a try. After that, I'd try a different spk. I've heard these spks. at a dealer and i thought they were a little too forward/bright and not the type of sound to my personal liking. hope things work out.
I agree with Kotta's impression of your speakers. I owned a pair of Monitor Audio speakers for awhile and auditioned later models a couple of times when I was helping a friend shop. They were all fine speakers and many people love them but as I compared them to other options I found I preferred a speaker that wasn't as bright.
My listening position is about 6 - 8 feet from the speaker plane.
do you have an exact measurement of your listening chair from the speaker plane? 6-8' seems to imply that you move the chair around in that 2' region OR you move as your listening session progresses! OR, are you simply ballparking the number; you never measured it?
8' would be better if you could help it.

One question for you: how high are your ears off the floor? Your speaker is only 33.5" tall per the specifications. What I'm wondering is whether or not the drivers have integrated at your listening position? If they haven't, then you are going to hear a lot more treble/high freq & that'll bite your ears. Hence the suggestion to move back to 8' giving the drivers another 2' to integrate. If you cannot move back, change your chair & get one that makes you sit lower so that your ears get closer to the floor. This is another way to get the drivers to integrate. If you are unwilling to sit lower, you can also raise your speaker - you go down OR your speaker goes up: same difference. Yet another way to assist driver integration is to tilt your speaker back a few degrees. I prefer the 1st 2 options & the 3rd only if you've no other choice.
Stereophile did measurements on your speaker model in 2006 but their measurements are at 50" which makes absolutely no sense at all. Who'd be sitting in a chair with one's ears 50" off the floor?? Looking at Fig 6, I was trying to see if their measuring height was correct. If it was the impulse response would have been a triangle rather than a triangle with a starting glitch. Their measurement of 50" is so far above the speaker that it's very hard to guess how much lower you need to sit. In measurements of some other speakers back in time, such as the Thiels, Stereophile used to adjust their measurement height to get a good impulse response (maybe they cared back then & they now have a GFY attitude today? With people paying them sub-$10 per year for their rag, they probably do!). Anyway Stereophile's measurements are essentially useless for home listening.
I believe the 50" refers to the distance from the speaker with the measurement taken at the height of the tweeter. From the measurements it would appear that playing with toe-in should reduce the treble balance.