one channel dead as a door nail

Put on my rig like I always do. First I fire up my Bel Canto SEP1. Takes 20 seconds than I put on my Bel Canto SET40 amp. Since my tuner is always on the sound comes on in a few seconds. Everything is cool until I turn on my cdp. A not too loud crackle/pop. No sound out of one channel now, whether it be tuner or cdp. Help
My pre amp is on a constant standby mode. Always toasty. There is a delay of about 20 seconds when I turn it on. When the digital lights go on, it is good to go. My amp also has a standby mode, so it is always toasty, as well. Newbee called it!!
You've probably hassled too much with NOS tubes on ebay...

Is there anywhay for you to check/adjust bias on your amp's power tubes?
Yo dude, would you translate, please? don't know what you're talking 'bout with NOS tubes on ebay and bias.