Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
Russe41, I'll bet they use common fuses.

I'll also bet you could venture to the local Porsche dealership and find less than state of the art tires on the prettiest model in the showroom.


Something less than the best possible choice for maximum performance? Were talking about a very fine quality, very expensive automobile!

Maybe the tires they choose cost less, ride smoother and last longer at the expense of not being the absolute last word in performance.

I get tired of that argument, it appears all the time in Audiogon forums. People claim that if fuse (or fill in aftermarket product here) was important, the designer would have included it.

It's odd that every year at CES these same designers show up with their equipment sitting on premium stands and feet, hooked up with aftermarket interconnect and power cables and (in some cases) the room is acoustically treated.

I have witnessed (personally) tube equipment at CES that had all NOS tubes to give the performance edge they wanted the public to hear. If designers believe in and make use of all these things, why don't they include them?

As stated above, its the money.

Better to keep initial cost low and allow each audiophile to decide how to spend their post "initial purchase" dollars.
Not a good comparison,the smallest rims porsche makes are 17" and go up to 19". I'll bet those aren't deville tires.
I also bet the deville tires aren't found on a hummer.
Just like the fuse in cary audio's cad-805 for 10k a pair
use a high end slow blow for aprox 1-2$.
Well guys I bought the HIFI-Tuning Fuse's for my Rowland Model # 5 amp. Four of them in total.....My system is the Rowland amp and a Rowland Synergy IIi pre amp along with a CEC TL-1 transport, dcs Delius / Purcell combo and Avalon Eclipse speakers. Purist Audio Dominus digital interconnects ( 3 of them...thanks Albert Porter ) and Synergistic Absolute Reference IC's with all Shunyata Anaconda Alpa and VX power cords.... MY JAW DROPPED !!!!! ALL I could say was ; ''WOW ''. Now remember...I found these fuse's due to a stupid accident , I was not out there trying to tweak. They work.
Albertporter - I think what you are really seeing, sometimes, is showmanship (looks count and dem gadgets look pretty cool) and otherwise neccessary behavior to keep a business viable. If you don't play nice with other vendors, & if you disdain highly profitable product catagories for your dealers, you won't be in business long. Also, it is probably handy, occasionaly or consistently, to have some of the tweaks vendors chip in $'s to help defray show costs. FWIW, most of the sport car/sport bike makers now days are figuring out how their vehicles are going to be measured in the mags. and tiring up to suit.
Jeff_Jones. On that point I agree, appearance is absolutely important.

Sound at shows (any audio show) is typically not very good. Equipment just survived the long trip, the room is cramped and often still has the bed headboard attached to the wall and people are opening and closing the door and talking.

No doubt this is a difficult way to conduct business. However, I don't believe for a moment any high end manufacturer would add tweaks to the system that did not help.

Remember, every costly extra in the system is telling the listener that the amps, speakers, or whatever they are displaying requires extra's to sound good.

I agree that these tweaks are sometimes present as they are sharing room costs. Even with this arrangement, it's typically due to the fact the two designers are friends, share common values and think each others products sound good.

I know a lot of people in the high end audio business and power cords, fuses, speaker cables and all the other tweak products that bear the brunt of detractors are a non issue with these designers. I have sat in dozens of manufactures and reviewers home and witnessed these tweaks in action. They use them because they work and are an audible improvement.

If you don't want to use them, no one is twisting your arm. I don't know why everyone is so defensive. If a tweak does not work for you, ignore the review, just the same as you would if it were a pair of speakers you didn't care for.