APO Doors Reissues

Anyone heard the new APO Doors reissues on 45 rpm Lp? It sounds like the mix is the same, instruments hard right and left, Morrison in the center for the most part. Is that the case?

While I understand the outrage from some quarters that would follow any change to the original mix, it seems to me that the original mix was a less than ideal decision and I don't see why it can't be improved on.
Strange Days is amazing. Will soon be cracking open the S/T QRP, and comparing it to my original Tan label. My point of reference for Strange Days is my DCC pressing.
Mr. Fremer has also now reviewed both of these on Analog Planet.com. He gave Strange Days a 10/10. I would have to agree. I think Chad paid big bucks for the rights to these masters. I'm sorry, but Chad is the man.
Michael Fremer did indeed give this album a great review and I'm sure he got it right. But since it's the same poor mix, I can't see buying it again for a marginal improvement in sound quality.

Remember that most of us don't have systems as revealing as Michael's or his critical listening skills. Those who do, Enjoy!
Tomcy6: I consider my system to be a lot different from MF's. I do hear Ray's Keyboard's to the left, Robbie's guitar to the right, vocals center.... Still, I am very excited about this release, and look forward to LA Woman, and Morrison Hotel. Cheers !
I have the DCCs of Strange Days, The Doors, LA Woman and also the lizard skin box set. As I recall Fremer also gave the lizard skin box a 10/10 rating. It did not come from the original tapes. Has anyone compared these new reissues to that box set?