Street musicians

In some way they are the truest artists. Let's find interesting people performing out in the open.
I'll start with this:
I once heard a black man playing sax on Fifth Ave. in Midtown of New York City. Basically it was a neverending blues with a lot of improvising. Technically he was quite good though not great. But the music that was coming out of him was incredible - dark, poweful, intense and sophisticated. Very deep. It was late evening, not many people there, I was in fact the only one who was standing there for twenty minutes or so and listening. He kept playing, maybe for hours, and could be heard from far away. Great talent.
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visiting frisco for work, just walking around the downtown area by the mall, came across 4 acapella singers, all old cats, been doing it for decades, standing there belting out old motown favorites...few of us stayed for 30min listening. just amazing what they were doing...
Tracy Chapman began as a busker. Her earliest music is some of her most compelling.

Related: I'd highly recommend the film, Once. It has a great soundtrack as well.