Radio Paradise -- Good Stuff

(First of all, I'm NOT affiliated with them in any way)

Just wanted to give them a plug though... Every once in a while when I need a change from my own (pretty vast) music collection...I put on Radio Paradise (they are a user-supported Internet Radio Station). Granted, you take a hit in fidelity (I think the best bit rate might be 192K) but the content is great...and If nothing else, it's great for background music.

The station is very eclectic... but not just for the sake of being so... almost every time I listen, something I've never heard before catches me...and I have to look at the playlist to write it down for my cd wish list! You will hear everything from Ry Cooder to Tears for Fears (Yuck! ; )

I wanted to share this for your (and their)'s radio paradise. com

Here's their thing (mission statement, I guess)...(from their website)

"...Our specialty is taking a diverse assortment of songs and making them flow together in a way that makes sense harmonically, rhythmically, and lyrically — an art that, to us, is the very essence of radio. We hope that you'll enjoy RP so much that you'll want to share it with your friends, your family, your co-workers, your neighbors ... well you get the idea. ;~) ..."
Totally concur!! I have downloaded on my MacBook Pro with twenty different radio streams to choose from which includes RP, also have RP App downloaded on my iPhone. Check out ooTunes for your iPhone if you want to record up to 30 different streams to play back while traveling without WiFi!!
I heard about Radio Paradise from another posting on Audiogon last Thursday (8/9/12). I have been listening every since. This is a terrific station.

I also discovered they support both 192kMP3 and 128AAC streaming. I have not done enough listening to say what one sounds the best. I know that Radio Paradise person likes the 128AAC streaming choice. Based on my very limited listening, I tend to agree but I need more time to decide. I am using a Magnum Dynalab MD-807t Internet tuner.

The above two URL's were added to the Frontier Silicon Radio portal labeled RP 192kMP3 and RP 128kAAC. My tuner accesses the portal and I pick what I want to hear. I can easily switch between the two streaming options.
I've been a Radio Paradise fan for years now. Had a dear friend from our local audio club who turn me on, and tune me out to the weak local broadcast stuff in favor of a great commercial free stream. We had had one of about four or five commercial free, free form, morning music programs left in the entire country. It was a gem, WDET FM a public radio station that fell to a mindless program butchering in favor of talk radio due to financial concerns. I was bemoaning its loss and Radio Paradise was recommended to ease the old (yet progressive) radio programming lose. What a breath of fresh air. Love the mix from SoCal's Bill & Rebecca, who have it sooo right...  Guess where my money goes now?!

try it, contribute to it.

Happy Paradise Listening!

Radio Paradise reminds me of the glory days of music oriented FM radio back in the early to mid 70s.   Except even better.