Last time you felt that "tingling" sensation?

We've all experienced it (and this is in the context of listening to music). Name the song/track/moment when you last got goosebumps listening to music. For bonus points, tell us where you were and what system you were listening to. Here's mine:

Song: "Hotel California" from "When Hell Freezes Over" (live version)
Where: In my listening/living room
On What: Levinson 390S driving Levinson 436 monos into Wilson Sasha's via Transparent cabling
Exact moment: when that kick drum starts slamming in that piece, it was utterly amazing
I counted 8 times yesterday I got goosebumps listening to music on my stereo. It was a great evening. I hadn't listened too much in a while due to the summer heat. Maybe that was some of it; but the system is definitely dialed in. I got 'em from both CDs and Vinyl. Twice last night one song- The Raven. The low note at the end of the song put me over the edge the second time.
About twenty minutes ago when I posted this in another thread:

Where: my home office
On what: IPad (no headphones)
Exact moment: 2:36

Thanks for the link, that is indeed a beautiful video and superb performance. I love Nancy, have a stack of her LPs and play them often.