Acoustic/Classical guitar. Who is your favorite?

I've been declining to even go outside to run recently since my Sonos player finally realized that the one station I have programmed in is intended to consist of all classical / modern acoustic guitar and has been faithfully delivering that for several days now.

I have discovered many new guitarists that have some serious talent and it seems to sound incredible on my rig and I can't get enough (despite my unltra-low-cost design).

I'm strictly speaking of solo-guitarists of the classical/modern nature. Some have a little percussion or violin parts which is fine too.

So what I'd like to know is... Who is your favorite? And if you have any favorites that only exist on vinyl, include that info for I shall invest in analog to accommodate. ;-)

I'll start. My favorites are Andy Mckee and Antoine Dufour.

Andrew Hardin who use to play with Tom Russell and many others. I think the CD is called Blue Acoustics. They even use an String Bass that is so unique.
Paco Delucia
Pat Metheny
Those are the 3 that stand out in my mind right now.

There are others.
Bruce Cockburn
Antonio Forcione
Steve Howe
And last but not least
Eric Idle and his version of "Here comes the Sun" on Saturday Night Live
Tiggerfc - Are you listening to an Internet radio station? If so, what's the URL? I also enjoy acoustic guitar and would love to find a great station that plays that type of music. I'm using a Squeezebox 3. Thanks.