Does anyone like country

I am just curious as to whether anyone likes country music? I do like some country songs (especially those that lean more towards pop).
I really like a lot of old country (hated it as a kid in KY where everyone listened to it). I'm not a fan of most of the new stuff you hear on the radio today because it just sounds like pop with a country accent.

I like a lot of the older artist listed above, as well as most of the alt-country listings above. A couple of my favorites that are not listed above are David Ball (Thinkin' Problem) and Dwight Yoakum. Thinkin' Problem and most of DY's stuff is recorded very well and sounds great.

For something a bit different, try some Jam-Grass. If you like Greatful Dead or Phish and want to ease into some country, check out Blueground Undergrass. Here's a like to a download site where you can either download lots of their concerts or stream one to try it out. It's fun and it's free! Try it.......


To all,
Some of the George Strait, "The Chair", Seashores of Old Mexico--Vicky Van Shelton--"I Meant Every Word He Said",
Tracy Byrds, "Keeper of the Stars", (written by Dicky Lee of '60s "Patches", "Strange things Heppen in this World" fame, wrote it.)
Finally, "Mud on the Tires" Album, with "He Put a Bottle to His Head And Pulled the Trigger", a duet with Allison Kraus--these are all wonderful, classic Country Tunes.
You have to be prepared to blanche at first, if you're a non believer. I was one for 30 years. Then, instead of dismissing, I listened with an open mind. Get out the Hankeys, lots of tears in the beers music here. Plus the obvious classic Patsy Cline's "Crazy" written by Willie Nelson, (maybe the most often used music in movies ever, in bar scenes).
Give 'em a shot.
I gave a seminar in Connecticut, and the group of about 40 or 50, can't remember was shy about recommending music, so I played a couple of these tunes. At the end of the seminar, the guys were lining up to get the names of both the performers AND the albums, the country one's not the others. Interesting.

BTW, right now, "Kind of Blue" with Miles Davis, is on the CD player--it doesn't have to be one or the other.

Good Listening,
Absolutely do. From Emmylou to Merle to George Jones to Willie to Waylon to Johnny---the road does go on forever.
No one has mentioned Junior Brown. Not that well known, and he does rip off into rock during his classically country songs, but he is a great guitarist and he writes some really good old country stuff. Check out his CD "Guit With It", containing such tear jerkers as "Highway Patrol" and my personal favorite, "My Wife Thinks Your Dead".
I will second the excellent Junior Brown,Iris Dement is another artist I like. Probably a few more but as I do not listen much to country artists' names and bands elude me as I type.