Elvis Presley Fans?

How many of you are Elvis fans My mom grew up during his era of fame and always played his music when I was growing up. I enjoy almost every song he ever performed.
Great entertainer.
Limited talent.
Madonna is the modern day Elvis.
Both are highly overrated.

I have a MUCH better appreciation for Elvis after reading the 2-part Peter Guranick biography. Definitive and highly recommended!

And I have to disagree with Audiofeil on all counts.
I think Bill really misses a big point comparing Madonna to Elvis. They were both cultural icons whose primary appeal was that of performer, not really great "artists." Elvis really did break some new cultural ground though, unlike Madonna. As a cute white boy, he could could channel a good bit of scary sexual rock n' roll excitement to a white audience in a way that black artists couldn't at the time. I don't hold that against him though, he was a product of the times just like we all are. Before Tom Parker got a hold of his career, he really did have lightning in a bottle for a brief period. It's easy to forget the first Sun recordings in light of the long Parker/RCA period that followed.
Photon, one of the things the bio revealed to me, at least my impression, was how little the Colonel Parker interfered with Elvis' music. Parker may have said "we need a Christmas single," and things like that, but Elvis seemed to have complete creative control all the way through.