CD Repair?

I've seen several companies advertising CD repair by polishing out scratches. Here's a couple of examples: &

Has anyone had any CDs repaired? Successful? Worth the cost? Thanks!
I've read in an audio magazine years back,if the disc has a large scratch or hole,somebody suggested tapeing a peice of aluminum foil shiny side on label side to reflect enough light to make a copy.Make sure it is secure on label side. I have not tried this.
I have found that some of these cd repair kits can work well. There are others that are more hype than anything when you actually use them to try to repair scratches.
Seriously - toothpaste, rinse with water. And don't forget to go from the inner hole outwards, not circular.
I bought a Disc Doctor off of Ebay a few years ago. It is essentially as the others have descrbed: a crcular platform to hold the disc and a soft cotton pad to polish out the scuffs. You apply a cleaning solution and it will buff out the problems.

I've also seen some serious commercial CD polishing machines.
Doesn't make sense for most of us but I think these services and DVD rental chains may be using them.