Bagpipes anyone?

Went to a memorial service yesterday...during which live bagpipes were played. Like any live music one hasn't heard in awhile, I am moved to snag a recording of a master of this instrument. Any suggestions?
Try some Rufus Harley..plays jazz bagpipes.Has played with Herbie Mann on some great stuff.

Try some samples at the above youtube site.
I think it was George Bernard Shaw (?) who said "the quintessential Scottish gentleman is well versed in playing the bagpipes - but doesn't!"

I have to agree w/ Cruz 123 - hauntingly beautiful for about 15 minutes, then...nails on a chalkboard!
I have always considered Bagpipes on LP to be one of those perfect thrift store purchases.You know they didn't play it more than twice,neither will you,but it's only a buck.Rufus Harley is not the only Jazz Piper (Bagman?) Albert Ayler gives it a go on one of his Impulse releases I think "Music Is The Healing Force Of The Universe" but be careful around Albert.
There is (are?) bagpipes on Mike Oldfield's "Ommadawn." They're not the center of the piece, nor are they there for long, but I remember laughing at my college roommate (who had bought the album) when the bagpipes entered the first time we played it. Not laughing anymore. Great record.
Check whether AR RE YAOUANK are your cup of tea (cider much more, they are from Brittany). They transformed traditional breton music to a degree where it can really rock.
First time we heard them they had just released their album Troisième Acte featuring some emotionally quite stirring tracks, so I bought and still recommend the album. However, we experienced what other people have describe: sitting through the entire album may be somewhat, er, demanding (as much on account of the melodeon as the pipes, though).