Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.
Nice thread.

High oil prices definitely attributable to Springteen - Iraq disintegration, Iranian hostility unlikely to have any impact. Also relieved to hear that once No Nukes guitars are silenced, reactor boom will flourish, energy problems will evaporate.

You guys really should run the DOE.

By the way, who could have known that Bush administration's grotesque mismanagement of the war effort didn't prevent swift victory during Bush term - it was several years (???) of "radical left" opposition in Congress. This probably would come as a surpries to the military professionals who resisted the Neo-Con "shock and awe" squad's insistence on troop levels 75% lower than recommended - that worked out nicely. Or did I hear someone say "surge"?

If tou have time, you should look into the DOD, too.

Also delighted to learn Earth is 5,000 or so years old - still almost brand new!
Maybe HEW on your coffee breaks.

Friggin' Springsteen!!
Anyone see the Springsteen interview on 60 minutes? I like Springsteen although I don't have any of his music. I especially love "Streets of Philadelphia." For many reasons I believe it is one of the great ballads of our time. I hate to say it, but Bruce sounded bad on the excerpts from his latest tour that 60 minutes picked for the airing, sometimes off key and flat. He has always had a hard, gritty edge to his vocals but has always been in tune. But now...?
A few comments re: your above post:
If Springsteen is, as you state, such a "washed up hack",
what performer(s) do you consider to be, shall we say, viable?
Secondly, what's really sad about your comments to Dreadhead is that you actually believe the"radical left", whatever that may be, is resposible for our current gas prices??
I guess you also believe that Bush and Cheney aren't in bed with big oil?
When you talk about all posturing and no substance, you're talking about our dumb ass president, aren't you?
Better yet, name me 3-just 3-things this administration has done that's been worthwhile?
Look forward to your comments.