To ring or not to ring?

Own a VPI Classic 3 with the heavyweight clamp (as well as the screw on clamp), but didn't spring for the periphery ring in order to hold down costs. My lps are in good condition; so, not sure I need a ring for the sole purpose of flattening warped lps. I can always switch to the screw on clamp if I ever come across one. But some reviews attribute sonic improvements to the rings. IMHO the VPI ring is very pricey. TT Weights offers a couple cheaper alternatives. Question is - even if I don't have any warped lps, would I glean sonic benefits from using a ring? And if so, does it really matter which ring I purchase?
When I had my Aries 3 turntable, placing a peripheral ring on it was a huge improvement. My LP's were not warped either. Improvements in a lower noise floor were not subtle. More dynamics and detail were noted as well as increased air. From all the improvements in my Aries 3, I would rank from 1 (best) to 5 (minimal)improvments:

1. SDS
2. Peripheral Ring
3. Single Motor Flywheel
4. Black Diamond racing pucks under feet
5. Center weight (HRX weight)

There was a huge gap between 1&2 and the rest of the field.
One VPI Classic, it is a no brainer. Peripheral ring works really well, even on perfectly flat LP.
Some tables will suffer from using peripheral ring but VPI Classic is not one of them.
I don't think I ever saw negative comment regarding peripheral ring clamp, sonic-wise, on VPI Classic.
I am also using one currently on my Classic 3.
Thanks for your input. If I start collecting pop cans along side the highway, forego an anniversary present for my wife, and not put anything in the collection plate at church, I may be able to afford the VPI ring.
I could never imagine using a turntable w/o vacuum hold down or a periphery ring. I like consistent VTA/VTF. Any edge warp at all without a ring and you won't have consistent vta/vtf during playback. Not to mention there is more wear and tear on the suspension as the warp spins and the cart is moving up and down.