How can a 30 watt, 28 year old amp sound more

I recently connected a 30 watt NAD 3130 integrated to my 85 db efficient 8 ohm ATC SCM 12's. The amp it replaced was a 120 Watt high current and very highly rated amp. The sound I got was bolder, deeper, punchier and more dynamic. It took hold of the mid/woofers and whipped them into total submission. What the hell?

What would account for that? I always thought more watts, high current equals more dynamics and control. This proves me wrong. The NAD is also a high current design, but 30 watts??? is it damping factor? is it slew rate? the 120 watt amp has a damping factor of over 500 and is stable to 2 ohms. The spec on the NAD does not include damping factor or slew rates. It too is stable into 2 ohms.

Can anyone explains why in this case, watts did not matter? any idea what makes this 30 Watt integrated sound so bold, dynamic, and punchy?

I think I agree with you Runnin, this NAD is definitely EQ'ed to boost certain frequencies...Just seems to work well with the ATC's...

"05-14-13: Ddd1
I have an amp that would eat that NAD for lunch, but I would rather not mention the brand. Hope that helps."

You are what you eat.
Thought it was a very silly response. Obviously you, and anybody else could.
The point is that the unit is surprising for what it is and what it can be had for.
I find it amusing you don't want to mention the brand let alone what model it is.
Another words you spent a lot of money and are getting diminishing returns and deciding you want to sell.

And yes the phono stage is great in the 7140.