Valve amplifier choice

Hi Guys
I am considering making a switch from a Musical Fidelity Kw 500 to a lower powered all valve integrated or possibly a pre - power combination , i am due to move into a new house that has a smallish listening room 20ft x 12Ft , my speakers are Triangle Lyrr current model floor standing rated at 92db. Rega Dac as digital source , really fond of the smooth sound as in the past i have found cd sterile.
Although i enjoy the Kw 500 i was able to Listen to a Icon Audio integrated that really sounded nice , i also have had a crush on Macintosh amplifiers for some time now although not had a chance to audition due to living in Tasmania- Australia , there are very little in the way of local hifi outlets as it is a rural environment , i would like to get some suggestions for Icon Audio or macintosh valve integrated that would suit for a room of the above dimensions , I am a newbie valve amps with the Kw 500 being the closest i have come to with valves in the pre stage.

Thanks everyone.
Icon Audio has some reviews and support in the UK magazines. The reviews are pretty good and they seem to have an amp for various needs.
I am not sure about what is available in Australia, that may be a big deciding factor. But maybe some of the tube gear from Japan or a reputable Chinese manufacturer? A lot of the Japanese gear that I am aware of seems to be fairly low powered, SET amps (Shindo & Yamamoto for example). For Chinese made gear, check out Line Magnetic (LM) and Primaluna.