Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
You will have to call the phone number on the website and odds are that Chris hinself will pick up the phone and give you all the details. He is setting it up so that you can have two or 4 outlets, and decide on the type of outlets. I chose Rhodium with Furutech as did most listeners. The exterior can be gold, silver or black. The construction is of aerospace aluminum. Tolerances are very tight. Chris is very anal about details and anticipates the one I receive will be slightly better than the one we had for demo. He was so confident, he offered a return policy of ----I can't recall, but 2-4 weeks or so, if buyers paid shipping.
My understanding was there were going to be minor cosmetic changes so he was waiting until the first order arrives to have the most accurate photos. From all I could find research wise, the unit targets the phase angle and and enhances AC alignment. I asked for more tech details but the details are a bit guarded as one might suspect. Similar technology was used in submarines for radar according to a military engineer I know. He was surprised the technology had not been tapped yet. I am currently in Brazil and will return to CA Sunday and will find some preliminary photos so you can have a look at the unit. Demo units are scheduled with the first batch arriving mid month. It really is worth the demo. Jallen
Jallen, I went to his website and he say's he doesn't take calls. He states on his websites he only does business through e-mail.
A nice 2nd option would be a Richard Gray pro 400 + Pole Pig.
Happy New Year.
My apologies for the lack of clarity. As I do almost all correspondence with e-mail I forgot he sent me his #.
When I initially corresponded with him it was e-mail only and I was inquiring about diy power cables. This was when the e- mail conversation went into conditioners and he just had a prototype returned from review and our group decided to evaluate. He sent me his phone # when I wanted more detailed info. I assumed it was on the site. I didn't realize it was not printed. Send an e-mail to him. Barring weekends, responses were prompt for me. Request the # if you want to actually converse. Jallen