Benefits of brand synergy

How important is brand synergy in matching components? This not only includes amps and preamps but also digital sources from a particular brand, say Arcam or Kell. Is this "synergy" important just for impedance purposes or is there an additional sonic benefit of having everything matching? Thanks.
In general, who cares... Yes and No.
In particular if you like the sound of a specific brand why not.
"In practice individual brands will do some things better than others. For example their amps might be good, but their CD players not so much."

That's what I've noticed too, particularly from many budget manufacturer's. It led me to wonder if the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Thank you for your responses.
I've found when using one brand for amplification and source, many times the sum is greater than the parts. That being said, I've also come across a few brands that do one thing great (ie source), and another thing not so great.

Until their current line, I felt Rega did excellent CDPs and not so good integrated amps, relatively speaking. I owned and loved the Apollo, but the Mira 3 wasn't on its level to my ears. Many disagreed, and I'm ok with that. The new Brio R changed that though.

I own a Bryston B60 and would love a Bryston BDA-1. Unfortunately, I can't afford one. Luckily I could afford the Rega DAC, and I honestly don't think I'm giving up much. Different, but my wallet in no way justifies the extra $1200 for the BDA-1.

Their are some brands who lose some magic when you don't have their amplification and source together - Naim especially comes to mind here. I'm a big fan of the Nait 5i and XS, and the CD5i and XS. Wouldn't take one without the other though, as something just seems off when you mix in a different brand component. I'm not Naim purist though, as I'm not a fan of their speakers at all. Most times, Naim's speakers hold back their electronics.

At the end of the day, it depends on the gear. Some stuff sounds better when you keep it all in the family, some don't. And just because two components (and even speakers) sound great individually doesn't mean they'll sound great together. I guess that's a big part of what keeps our obsession going.
I think generally there is a ton of synergy from amps and preamps from the same brand. For sources, not so much. So I think you can have decent success from just doing the preamp/amp from the same brand but going elsewhere for the source.
I agree with Kclone, definite synergy in staying with the same brand for amp/preamp. One of the best systems I ever heard was Meridian cd/pre/amp with Sonus faber speakers. Find a brand you like and commit to it. Mix and match approach can work, but is a harder to realize maximum potential. Move up the same brand range when funds permit. Its far easier, synergistic approach.