Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

You're a generous man and your employees are lucky to have someone like you.
Right now we have insurance hacks denying coverage. Policies that appear to cover you but don't. An 'agent of the state' wouldn't go to work in drab grey overalls and a Mao cap with the express purpose of replicating and exceeding the denial rate that insurance companies do now. Coverage would expand. Doctors would still make killer salaries. You could go to any doctor you want which would make them better healers otherwise you'd go somewhere else.

As for state lines, all that would do it cause a giant sucking sound as all the insurers would go to the state with the least restrictive operating requirements. They would be able to screw someone from the other side of the country without fear of legal reprisals.

There is a middle ground that would work. The sky wouldn't fall, the earth wouldn't open up, mass hysteria wouldn't ensue. It would be so quite as to make one wonder what all the fuss was about.

Check out Wendell Potter, former corporate vice president of communications for CIGNA and what he has to say about the business he used to work for. It will give you pause.
Rok2id - That would be step in the right direction and I agree there should be some deductible but in many countries it is completely free and it works just fine being much more effective than our health care. I hear often this mantra "Our system is the best in the world" but there is no data to back it up. It is insurance companies propaganda to protect their interest. The truth is that in the world of business doctor has no incentives to make you healthy. He makes more money when you're sick. Objective is just wrong. I went few times to doctor who doesn't recognize me, writes things in the file during conversation but next time doesn't even read it. Elderly people who cannot afford medication go to Canada with prescriptions to buy exactly the same brand for 1/2 the cost getting it confiscated at the border on the way back. It is shame, and please do not come with horse analogies. When horse is dead unmounting it seems to be the best strategy.
If universal health care is right, I would say that food, water, oxygen and housing are rights too. Heated housing and with electricity.
"The study is published early online and in the August edition of The Lancet Oncology. Funding was provided by the CDC, the Department of Health in London, and Cancer Research UK in London."
Inna, Welfare system in this country is completely screwed up promoting laziness. We are responsible for what we do with our life and should be rewarded accordingly but with few exceptions we're not responsible for disease or genes we have. Healthcare cost skyrockets while at the same time profits of insurance companies do the same. For many people the best chance to resolve health issues is to get to prison. We should stop this insanity.