Back to tubes?

Seriously thinking of replacing my SS pre with a tubed linestage. Contenders include ARC Ref 5 and VTL 7.5. Certainly open to suggestions as well.

Plan to keep the Boulder 1060 for now.

Could pull the trigger on a Boulder 2010 but I am well aware that the cost of a component is often not commensurate with its performance.
I would look for used BAT 51SE. A bargain at these prices IMHO with all the attributes of clear and non-colored, great textured amplification.
Had the Ref.3, Spent time with the VTL 7.5 (series 1) and bought the BAT REX. For me, the better preamp. No idea how it will match up with your Boulder, but was great with amps from bryston, Manley, VTL, and of course the REX amp I use now. Downside is runs hot.
A strong 2nd for Shindo! For new gear and no discount, the Monbrison is a bit less than the Ref 5 and the Masseto is a bit more. And with each you get a world class phono stage.
The linestage that passes the cleanest signal I have ever heard is the Coincident Technology Linestage at $5,000. The only limiting factor is its 2 inputs, which can cause one to re-think their front end. But if you add their exemplary Phono Stage pre-amp at $5,495, it also adds an extra input. For about $10,000 it is a killer combination that absolutely slays all comers at anywhere near its price.

Allchemie - If you have heard the Shindo Masseto and/or Monbrison, can you please elaborate on your impressions in more detail as to what you believe is better about the Coincident Technology (both linestage and phonostage)?