Audio Research DS 450 amp......thoughts

....that's what I'm looking for, thoughts on this class D amp from this tube giant. Some people like like it.....what do YOU think if you have heard it
Also, I've heard said it's the first time an arc amp gives the maggies deep bass
....I would be matching this amp with a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona M's with a Esoteric front end. Thoughts ????
Thanks for the input. I've been very pleased w/ the VT200 and I've owned it since 03 w/o only one re-tube at ARC, but the care and feeding of 16 6550s is always on my mind.
Sorry, OP, back to you! could be a great matchup.
From what I've heard of Sonus Fabers, always seems slightly dark, and could use the detail and snap of the DS series. Any chance of trying first?