Will Cello Duet 350 drive Apogee Diva?

I just bought a Cello Duet 350 & Palette preamp and thinking about buying Apogee Diva speakers. Would the Duet be able to drive the Divas effectively enough? Currently using Energy Veritas 1.8 & 2.8. Also, would the Divas be a considerable speaker upgrade from the 2.8 Veritas? Thanks.
The very best for powering Apogee Diva is Reyaudio(top model Mono amps only), FM acoustics(FM-811, FM-1000 & higher) or Boulder(higher types, like 2060 and higher) those are all much better than the weak Cello Duet or unmusical Krell amps
yes true Apogee Scintilla are even more amp eaters!!! no matter the Apogee Diva is lesser a amp eater, still I can hear a HUGE difference between the TOP NOTCH more powerful power amps compare to the weak lower class power-amps like Cello Duet etc
Rademaker, I know speakers sound different with different amps......but I wasn't aware that Cello was low class?

This is the first I have heard of it. At any rate, if he already owns the Cello he can just have a listen?

If it were me, I'd drive them with tube amps .....(but to each his own).
