Amp s choices to match with Wilson Sophias ?

What amps are you guys using with your Wilson Sophias ?
I know these are not super picky speakers.
Would appreciate some inputs.
Based on my research, I hear some people like Naims with them, Luxman, Accuphase and others.
Care to chime in ?
"I auditioned the Sasha's with xxx amps...sounded incredible/fantastic "

I have nothing but praise for Ayre and Electrocompaniet amps however, to really test how any given amplifier match the speakers of interest I firmly believe that you need to lsiten in your own listening room and...for a few weeks or at least a few days.... and using wide variety of music styles [that of course you can do using dealer's system].

Kind Regards,
The Sophias piqued my interest.

Is there an appreciable difference between the Sophia 1, 2 and 3?

Nolitan, where did you read about the Sophias sounding good on Naim amps?

Another question(pardon my ignorance) how does the Sophia3 compare to the Sasha?

Last question. Anybody compared the Magico to the Wilsons? If yes, what are the distinct differences between these two brands?

Any advice would be appreciated.
The Wilsons have always been tube-friendly. So you have a wide range of tube amps available for the speaker as well.
Agree with Atmasphere, I have only heard them with Audio Research and Levinson. Preferred the Audio Research.