Audio Refinement Complete

It seems the fuse has blown in my Complete (integrated amp) and I can't find the owner's manual. Can anybody provide the value for the replacement fuse?
I have a YBA 3 DT power amp and it's one of the nicest ss power amps out there within it's capabilities. You can push it with inefficient loudspeakers but if your not a headbanger it's sweet. You find them for sale on AA every once in awhile.

Dunno if it makes a big difference to you or not, but I think the main thing with the Alpha version is that it has a preamp out, and the original does not.

It's hard to imagine anything beating this integrated in that price range.
I have the Alpha version and it is both aesthetically beautiful & refined. Very tonally balanced! It's a highly seductive sound for jazz & movie soundtracks. Somehow, I prefer this balanced sound to 845 tubes which put out about 20 watts. Great 300Bs are another subject, kind of like being in church, without the dogma... Audio Refinement Alpha is a great value for SS tube-like sound!