Tubes vs. solid state.

I just switched back to my ss equipment and can't see how I listened to ss for so many years and thought that I had a good system, maybe the equipment needs to be left on for some time.
But regardless of that, the difference is startling. I know that my tube equipment is not the same degree of excellence as my ss, but now ss sounds lean, thin lifeless. Have my listening priorities changed? One thing I noticed; my listening perception adapts to the sound present in the room. As I write this the sound is improving incremently.
Anyone share the same experience??
I will post as I will continue to listen and notice differences.
Ss is simaudio p-5 w-5, tubes are Cj premier 4 amp and audio experience a2se preamp.
Are there ss preamps that will satisfy or am I smitten by bubes I mean tubes.
Interesting thread. I have been back and forth so many times, but for the last 2-3 years I have been very happy with an SS system - perhaps it is finding the right mix of components? I would have stuck with tubes were it not for the maintenance and small children in my house. It took a little playing around, but you can certainly build an SS system, today, that provides a lot of the musical flow of a tube system.



Yes, in fact, your hearing does adapt to sound and your brain will filter out the most irritating aspects of it to make it more pleasant. That is why the myths of warming-up amplifiers and braking-in the cables exist.
BTW, I also love the midrange, but I prefer it always accompanied by bass and treble.
Actually the older I get and as I gradually loose my hearing the more tubey my SS equipment sounds , so it is all good.
Uh-oh. What happens when a tubes vs. solid state thread merges into whether break-in and warm-up exists? Next, someone will say that some wire they found in the dumpster of Home Depot is just as good as all audio cables in existence. This thread may actually implode.

Maybe this thread should be shut down. There are plenty of other good threads such as:

What speakers will my cat like?
Why are there so many [component x] for sale?
What is the best [component y]?
Remote doesn't work, could it be the batteries?
Cooljazzcat, thankyou for your opinion. I like some of Audio Research solid state amps like the 100.2. Also like Conrad Johnson solid state, makes you wonder why go the tube route. The McCormacks with Revision A, very trasparent and grain free. Aleph class A products, very sweet sound. Currently using a PS Audio upgraded HCA-2, wonderful midbass and detail, superb low end. I was thinking of hooking up with the solid state Bel Canto Pre 1 or 2. Or maybe the PS Audio PCA-2 with external power supply, a great match with my HCA-2. Too many products to list but great products for the price. I like to leave my system on all the time for background music, can't do that with tubes. I wonder if digital switching amps create a new category of their own.

Currently running the latest incarnation of a VTL tube preamp with the upgraded HCA-2, spectacular full sound but have to turn the tube pre off when not in use. The VTl pre really brings out the best qualities that garnered the HCA-2 its stereophile class A status.

I can definately understand why you wept when you heard your first tube integrated, if I was there I would of wept with you and would of even brought a box of Kleenex.

I think Paulfolbrecht elequent response was very intelligent & thorough pointing out some differences between ss & tubes. I hope you people live forever, will not criticize anyones choices because there are so many differences in room accopustics, components and speakers that are unique to ones system, makes it difficult to make an accurate call on recommendations in regards to ss & tube.